Membership Signup & Renewal Form

To join the Cable Rod & Gun Club or renew your membership, please fill in the form below. Payments are processed through PayPal. If you don’t have an account, you can use any credit card or even your checking account!

Benefits of becoming a Member:

1. Promotes safety & responsible firearm use and training.
2. Supports shooting sports (including youth)
3. Supports the 2nd amendment
4. Privileged use of Club grounds
5. Strength in procuring grants and public funding, including ownership and voting rights
6. Discounts for members
7. Ability to participate on a league

Cable Rod & Gun Club Donation Form

To join or donate to the Cable Rod & Gun Club, please fill in the contact information fields in the form below and select the amount of your donation from the “additional donation” drop down. Payments are processed through PayPal. You can use any credit card or a PayPal account to pay. You do not need to create a PayPal account!