
Date: July 2, 2018
Location: Club house
Time: 6:10 pm

Treasurers Report: Approved as presented motion by Kelly 2nd by Tim
Last Minutes: No minutes available for June

Website is up and running activity is good have had some inquiries from it.

501C3- still working on it. Nothing new at this time

New Signage- our new signs are in we will install soon, signs ask NON-club members for a $5/shooter per day
donation to offset our expenses at the club.

Roof- Tim is currently laid up till August, holding off on new roof until we know more about the purchase.

Closing off entrances to the club- thoughts are to block off some of the split rail fence having people access the range areas by only a few openings, therefore they are more likely to see and read our new signs and rules and hopefully they donate.

Purposed “Manager” position – the manager would report to all members of the Treasurer. They would be responsible for staffing, ordering, submitting bills to Treasurer, overseeing the grounds and buildings, coordinate with the lawn care, garbage removal, etc. (a Full list of duties need to be nailed down) Pay ??? are they gonna work hourly, monthly, do we set a fix number of hours per month they are to be accountable for??? We have to “fine tune” the possible position and see who may be interested.

Pig Roast – Sept. 2, 2018(?) Sunday of Labor Day weekend – we need people to start getting raffle table donations, Kelly will make posters they will be available at the club house for anyone who needs them,

Next meeting: Meeting August 8, 2018 @6pm

Meeting adjourned: 7:19pm